Unleash the Power ​of Your Story

Listen, Learn, Love


About Jhael Hakimian

Jhael brings diverse knowledge and experiences to train people to listen, engage, and compellingly tell their stories. Her witty and entertaining learner-based instruction will enhance your team’s ability to connect with their audience and create more opportunities. She has broad experience in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors and grassroots activism. She trains on how to speak before groups of all sizes, virtual gatherings, speaking through digital media, one-to-one sales, consulting and counseling, and facilitating small groups.


She provides training with Grassroots Leadership Academy, worked as a field director with Americans for Prosperity Foundation (Miami, FL), is a Counselor with Impact Family Counseling, and is a Communications Officer at Global Presence MarketingIn addition to holding a Bachelor of Science in Education and trying to change the world, Jhael and her husband Jack are raising four boys—five if you count her mini-Yorkie, Judah—in South Florida.

Why Stories?

As a seasoned public speaker and communication expert, I strongly believe that the ability to tell stories is one of the most essential skills for any organization fighting to make a difference in the world. In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive environment, organizations that are able to effectively communicate their message and connect with their audience are the ones that ultimately succeed.

The power of storytelling lies in its ability to create an emotional connection with the audience. When we hear a story that resonates with us, we are more likely to remember it and take action. A good story can inspire, motivate, and drive change, making it an invaluable tool for organizations that are working to make a positive impact in the world.


But storytelling is not just about telling your own story – it’s also about sharing the stories of the people you are fighting to help. By giving a voice to those who have been marginalized or silenced, organizations can raise awareness and build support for their cause. These stories humanize the issues and help to create empathy and understanding among the audience.

However, not everyone is a natural storyteller. It takes skill and practice to craft a compelling story that captures the attention of the audience and moves them to action. That’s why it’s crucial for organizations to invest in training their speakers and communicators to become competent storytellers. With the right training and support, anyone can learn to tell a powerful and impactful story.


In conclusion, the ability to tell stories is a critical skill for any organization that wants to make a difference in the world. By investing in competent speakers who can effectively communicate their message and share the stories of those they are fighting to help, organizations can inspire, motivate, and drive change.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou


Public speaking coaching

This involves helping individuals improve their speaking skills in front of an audience, whether it’s for a business presentation, a keynote speech, or a personal storytelling event.

Storytelling workshops

These workshops teach individuals how to craft a compelling story and deliver it in a way that engages and captivates the audience.

Voice training

This service is aimed at improving the quality of one’s voice, including tone, pitch, and inflection. It can also help individuals learn how to speak with more confidence and authority.

Speech writing

Some coaches specialize in helping individuals develop the content of their speeches or presentations, ensuring that the message is clear, concise, and impactful.

Media training

This service is aimed at preparing individuals for interviews with the media, teaching them how to communicate effectively and confidently in front of cameras and microphones.

Presentation skills coaching

This includes teaching individuals how to create effective visual aids, use body language to enhance their message, and manage nerves and anxiety before and during presentations.

Storytelling for business

This service teaches individuals how to use storytelling techniques to enhance their marketing and branding efforts, including creating compelling content for social media and other digital channels.

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today." - Robert McKee


Request Jhael


Everything starts with listening and respectful engagement. To close a deal, you must be a good listener and storyteller who calls people into action. Take action today and contact me to see if we have synergy together!